Register For Mastering Boundaries

The most important relationship a client will ever have is the relationship with themselves. Boundaries that are healthy and authentic are essential to that relationship, to their sense of self, wellness, and their ability to have connected and fulfilling relationships in every aspect of their life.

Many people are taught that being assertive and overbearing is a way to articulate a boundary. The reality is that doesn’t work so many people live with blurred boundaries that leave them feeling overwhelmed, taken advantage of and most of all questioning who is in charge of their life?

In Mastering Boundaries, we will dive deep into how boundaries are formed, why some have clear ones that are respected and many do not, and how to coach your clients to:

•    Get clear on what boundaries are and discover where they struggle with boundaries in their life.
•    Discover their internal power so they can draw their own distinct boundaries.
•    Reinforce the boundaries they have established both internally and externally.
•    Take care of themselves so they have the time, energy and resources needed to nurture their well-being.
•    Pursue their dreams and passions without having to seek permission to live their life.
•    Break free of old patterns at work or in their own business, developing a path to achieve their goals while being seen, heard and respected.
•    No longer allow their kindness to be treated as a weakness but change it into a powerful asset.
•    Set the example of what healthy self-care and boundaries look like and empowering them to honor other people’s boundaries as well.


This course is self-paced and you have a year to complete it.

After enrollment you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the course. Please allow up to 30 min to receive the email.
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